Providing Quality Ethics Services to The Champlain Region.
The Champlain Centre for Health Care Ethics (CCHCE) is the leading health care ethics support system in the Champlain region. The CCHCE provides a centralized regional approach to the provision of health care ethics services to a diverse group of organizations across the continuum of care (hospitals, long-term care homes, community support services). Health care ethics services have proven to be beneficial for those having access to them by making organizations more accountable, reducing staff distress, providing alternatives to ethically challenging situations, and improving the quality of care. As well, Accreditation Canada standards for excellence promote the implementation of ethics related services, frameworks, and governance structure
Quality Ethics Services
With base funding from Ontario Health, the CCHCE provides an effective approach to regional ethics service delivery, and is able to offer bilingual, timely, cost effective and equitable access to expert health care ethics services to organizations, providers, patients and families in the Champlain region.
Regional Ethics Program
All of the publicly-funded health care organizations in the Champlain Region have access to our Regional Ethics Program. This includes access to all services, and additional resources like Rounds recordings and Framework guides. Please contact a CCHCE ethicist for access.
CCHCE Events
Join us for monthly Regional Ethics Rounds and our Annual Ethics Symposium. Information is sent to all partner organizations via email or subscribe at the link in the header to receive more information and updates!
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
(613) 798-5555 x17138